Thursday, October 24, 2013

NA Authors Fall Promotions: J.L. Fynn

Smooth talking. Ambitious. Loyal.
Twenty-year-old Shay Reilly has proven himself to his Irish-American Gypsy clan on small-scale cons, but now the clan leader has a bigger mission for him: playing the long game.
To rake in the big score he’s after, he needs to con co-ed Spencer into falling in love with him. He knows he should see her as a mere means to an end, but that’s easier said than done when there’s a witty, attractive girl in your arms.
Now the only thing that can keep them apart is the thing that brought the together: Shay’s plans of revenge against someone who wronged his clan and family years before—Spencer’s father.

J.L. Fynn is the public face of a private identity. She enjoys making up stories about iniquitous heroes, providing Delphic answers to unasked questions, and obfuscating the truth just for laughs.  But then, what’s an author but a professional liar? If you send her an email she might let you in on her little secret—assuming she likes your moxie.
To enter the giveaway, go to each blog and enter the corresponding code into the Rafflecopter.
This is Blog #17 and the code is JLBECCA