Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chapter Seven: You Like What?

     My mouth drops open as I stare into the room before me. There are stuffed animals everywhere, too many to count. One wall is entirely fur. There's a circular bed and it has twister dots on it. There's a cabinet that's open and I can see dusters, ticklers and other things that I don't quite recognize. The walls are pink. The floor beneath me is bouncy, and right in the middle of the floor is a inset trampoline. My inner freak has a mixture of joy and confusion on her face. In one corner I see life size Teletubbies. My confusion deepens as I notice Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and Mr. Snuffleupagus. I walk around the room, taking in all that I'm seeing touching things here and there. The affect the room has on me is surprising. I feel childish. It's cool I think, it's cute, I add, No, It's Kawaii. Now I understand. Now I get it.
     “What do you think?” Yoshi asks softly as if worried as to what my answer will be.
     “So, you really like soft, furry, fluffy things.” I say
     “Yeah,” He admits
     “I don't understand though,”
      “Understand what?”
      “How does this explain how you like to have sex.”
     “Shannon, I like to dress up and have sex.”
     “You mean costume role play?”
     “Sort of except these costumes are more animal like, or cute.”
     “I see, so what am I supposed to do?” I asked confused.
     “I want you to dress up and fulfill my fantasies.” Yoshi says with a hint of hope in his voice.
     “Why would I do that?” I ask
      “Because you like me, because I like you, because I want to fuck you like this.”
      “What makes you think I'll agree.” I ask softly
       Yoshi quickly crosses the room and kisses me passionately. “Something tells me you'll have a hard time saying no, something tells me you're curious enough to try this.” It's almost as if Yoshi has read my mind. He's right. I want to try this. It's fascinating, and it could be hot, or really really awkward. I stand there for a minute think about what sex with Yoshi will be like.
     “Shannon, stop twirling your hair, I can't think when you do that.”
     “Oh,” I say mid twirl. I didn't notice I was doing that.
     “Let's get out of here, All I keep thinking about is you in one of the costumes.” Yoshi turns and walks out. I follow.
     “How long have you been into this?” I ask
     “I told you when I first met you that I've had an attachment to my bear.” Yoshi says
     “So it's been all your life.”
     “Yeah, it has.”
      “Are there a lot of people into this kind of stuff.”
      “A few, most of them I've found on the internet. Can I take your jacket?” Yoshi asks holding out his arm. I shrug off my jacket and hand it to Yoshi. His mouth drops open and his eyes go wide. I cross into the living room and sit on the toadstool.
      “I'm interested,” I say “How does this work?”
      “Have you ever done anything like this before?” he asks huskily.
     “No, all I've had is regular, normal sex with maybe a few kinks thrown in.”
     “So you have had sex before,” he says eying me up and down.
     “Yeah, what do you think I am a virgin?” I ask sarcastically.
      “No, but they are hard to find, almost like a leprechaun.”
      “Well it's not like they have a pot of gold waiting for you when you find one.” I say
      “No, they don't, when was the last time you've been with someone.”
      “It's been a while, probably a year.” I say trying to remember
      “That long?” He asks
      “I only sleep with people that I really really like.” I say truthfully, “I don't do one night stands.”
      “That's good to know.” He says “Would you like to eat?”
     Yes! My inner fatty yells at me remembering the table laden with food. “Um, sure” I say.
      I follow Yoshi into the dining room, he has me sit and leaves out the other side. When he comes back he hands me a plate. On it is the cutest food I've ever seen. Yoshi picks up chop sticks from beside his plate and expertly uses them to eat his food. I grab my fork, not being so well versed in the use of chopsticks and eat the food. The food has little faces drawn on it. Little veggies, fruit and sushi. It's yummy. It's not what my inner fatty was expecting, but it's good and satisfying. Yoshi look up at me.
      “You have a little, bit one the corner of your mouth, Here let me,” He says and reaches over and wipes the corner of my mouth with his index finger. I feel a little shiver run through my body. I want this man and I want to do his weird role play stuff. What's wrong with me I ask myself. Most normal people wouldn't go for this. There's nothing wrong with you, my inner freak answers back, Absolutely nothing at all. She smiles at me.  “You're twisting your hair again.” Yoshi says in a strained voice. “Are you sure you've never done this before?”
     “No, just plain sex, never anything like this, Why?”
      “Your outfit, and twisting your hair, It's really hard for me to sit here and look at you and not have sex with you.” He says truthfully
     “Then what are you waiting for?”
     “Absolutely nothing,” He says and with that He stands and pulls me up close to him.